U.S College Tuition Heat-map

1st place Winner for 2024 Cruzhacks Hackathon! (Justice Hack)


Website: http://tuitionshock.us/. If not loading, ensure set to HTTP (unsecured)!

Geared towards the Justice Hack category, my team of four created a interactive college tuition heat-map with options to select both 2-year community colleges and 4-year universities to reveal the college-cost desparity. I figured out how to get useful & specific info from the college scorecard API, and teaching it to my members so they can load up the DB. Using Javascript I programmed the heatmap to better visualize the education cost based on tuition -- via setting up different tuition thresholds that correspond to a certain color (eg. green or purple). Also assisted with UI/UX (eg. adding some dot plots), along providing some ideas as my other teammates did other front-end and back-end work.

Verilog Platformer

Here is a video game programmed in Verilog running on a Basys3 FPGA device. Where the objective is to jump (via the physical buttons) and catch the yellow flying squares to get a point. The physical 7-segment display on the FPGA reflects the current score. The VGA video output (H-sync, V-sync) utilizes a counter for each pixel.

Gyro Bluetooth Mouse

Using an ESP32 and its ESP-IDF framework, I used the accelerometer's readings and set certain thresholds of tilt to determine the speed of the mouse -- allowing very precise movements. Since its bluetooth, it can be paired with a bluetooth-enabled computer.

End-to-End Wildfire detection IoT system

PDF paper

In my captsone course (group of 3), we connected three sensor-equipped Raspberry Pi’s (RPi) via Ad-Hoc in both a Polling and Token-Ring topology. The sensors measure wind-speed, relative temperature/humidity, and soil temperature/humidity. Sensor data is sent to a MySQL database hosted on a local computer, that also hosts a website displaying current Wildfire risk and plots for each RPi.